Ho’oponopono Meditation For Healing and Forgiveness
A Soothing Guided Meditation to Activate Healing and Forgiveness using the Prayer of Ho'oponopono.
Welcome warriors. I’m excited to share this active healing meditation with you all to empower and activate the Wellness Warrior Within through LOVVVE™.
During my virtual workshops and 30-day Challenges women around the world are learning how to ... Let go of toxic foods and thoughts, Open their hearts to forgive, Visualize healing, Voice their truth with grace, Vibrate higher with living foods, and Empower themselves.
This guided session is to Activate Healing and Forgiveness using four powerful phrases:
I am sorry
I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you
In this particular video, I am singing the four phrases to activate its powerful healing qualities. Please repeat with me and on your own at any time for the best results: I am sorry I love you Please forgive me Thank you
Inspired by: Brittani Alexis Feinberg Julian Devoe Sandra Velez ❤️